Saturday, July 4, 2009

Another intriguing read

Another title might be PATHOS at it's best or worst...
Not being a fan of short stories, I was surprised by how engaged in this book I was. Olive is an unusual character, someone you may love to hate. Her husband, at one point, decries her self-importance this way, "In all the years we've been married, all the years, I don't believe you've ever once apologized. For anything."
In some of the chapters she's the central character, in some only a vehicle to introduce another's story.
One of my favorite stories, near the beginning of the book describes how she gets revenge on the woman who 'steals' her son through marriage. Quite hilarious.

I'd love to hear from someone else who's read it...


Anonymous said...

Hi Ann,
I read Olive Kitteridge and loved it. I loved how it all intertwined. Also loved your recommendate of The Piano Teacher.
And wasn't the Guernsey book the best! There have been some great books lately.

Noel (with two dots over the "e") said...

Yay for Olive! I read it on my new Kindle right after Christmas. Good to find a reader's (+) blog! It's my other addiction...