Monday, September 24, 2007

two very silly things from my day

why have I never thought of this before?

when the doorbell rang today, I had a supicion it was going to be a solicitor of some sort so I picked up the phone and held it to my ear as I answered the door. It actually worked like a charm; they (two Jehovah Witness ladies) immediately said they were sorry to bother me and left.

the next is discovering sweet pea wigwams and finials. I keep wondering when/where I'll plant (rather, use the English form and say 'sow') my sweet pea seeds or when I'll fell like even working outside again. If nothing else in my garden I love my sweet peas. As I was reading a watercolor journal garden book I came across wigwams which is apparently what they always use in England for sweet peas. Here's an old fashioned image:

I did refrain from ordering any right now, but it's definitely something I'm going to try.

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