Saturday, December 31, 2011

a word

so many of my friends, many of them artists, embrace a word for the year. that's never been something i could buy into. however i had a clear revelation at church tonight, celebrating the new year, the solemnity of mary.
it just popped right into my head:

i want to think positive, speak positive, act positive

Monday, December 19, 2011

Moving on

Nov. 13th, Dec. 19th
lots of space between...
Those of you who know me know my life has taken yet another twist since retirement

Taking care of my precious grands has cut my blogging time to almost nil.

However, opening my Christmas cards tonight has compelled me to post this year in retrospect:

Three beloved friends have joined the heavenly angels - make that four
Beloved friends and relatives have joined their hands in marriage
Beloved dogs have crossed the rainbow bridge
Beloved babies have been born
Beloved children have moved closer to our heart and our house
Beloved children have had great successes
Beloved friends have spent time with us
One beloved spouse has recovered from back surgery

His goodness reigns supreme!